The Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance’s latest tool to support its members in bid applications is now available through the membership portal. The Power of Sport video was produced in partnership with Destination Canada, and is a striking visual presentation of the many successful international events Canada has hosted.

Using three narrators, Olympic Ice Dance champion Tessa Virtue, the Canadian Olympic Committee’s Charmaine Crooks, and Dimitri Antonopolous, Vice President of Marketing and Hotel & Restaurant Development, Groupe Antonopolous, the video presents an outstanding rationale for choosing Canada as an international sport destination. In just over two minutes, using examples of summer, winter and parasports in cities from coast-to-coast, the video outlines the planning and execution capabilities of Canadians, and highlights the passion for sport in this country.

“We know this is a terrific selling feature for our destinations, national sport organizations and hoteliers to continue to successfully work together to bid to host events in Canada. I’ve used this video in presentations to both international and national audiences, and the response has been tremendous each time I’ve shown it,” said Rick Traer, CEO, Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance. “It is a great asset to be able to present an entire nation’s ability to host great events in such a concise snapshot of the country.”

“Canada offers a superb four-season hosting environment with its world-class facilities, accommodations and amenities. Our clean, safe, and technologically advanced cities offer culture, variety and outstanding value,” says David F. Goldstein, Destination Canada President and CEO. “We are very proud of the partnership with CSTA to support sport tourism, one of the fastest growing economic development initiatives in Canada. We are equally proud to show the world why Canada is ranked regularly amongst the top host countries in the world.”  

The video can be used by all CSTA members. The only restriction for its use is that it cannot be posted online to websites, or linked via social media. Due to broadcast restrictions on some of the footage, it is available specifically for CSTA members to download and incorporate into presentations and meetings. To access the video, go to the home page of the Members section. Once you’re logged into the system, you will see the video at the top of the Members section, or follow this link:

Enjoy presenting Canada as a world leader in sport hosting!