Sport Events Exchange (speed dating)


Sport Events Exchange is an in-person business-to-business marketplace activity that connects sport events rights holders (ERHs) and destinations, sports facilities/venues, and hotels who are members of Sport Tourism Canada.

The Exchange allows participants to briefly meet and explore hosting opportunities in a fast, efficient, and fun ‘first date’ type of environment. At Sport Events Exchange, we guide Exchange participants on how to match-up with potential event partners that are a good fit and explore future sport hosting partnerships.


Historically, the Sport Events Exchange, (aka Speed Dating) has been limited to destinations and event rights holders. Based on feedback received from SEC22 (Edmonton) and SEC23 (Richmond), we heard that more delegates wanted to participate. STC is pleased to announce that the eligibility requirements has been expanded to include more event rights holders, destinations, sports facilities/venues, and hotels.

Who is not eligible?

STC Non-members.


To be a speed dating participant, your organization must be a member of STC.


Canadian destinations, sport facilities/venues and hotels who are members of Sport Tourism Canada and who are in the business of attracting sport events to be hosted in their communities and space.

Group #2

Sport organizations (for-profit or not-for-profit) who own the rights to events open for bid (Events Rights Holders) who are members of Sport Tourism Canada.



While two (2) representatives per organization may participate in SEE, only one (1) representative per organization can book the speed dating appointments.  Please remember to enter the name of your organizational representative during the registration process.

Using our speed dating booking software, participants can request and decline appointments. To ensure your time is well spent and mutually beneficial for both parties, we encourage participants to provide as much detail as possible in their speed dating profiles.

The booking process will open in January each year.

how it works


Who normally attends Sport Events Congress?

Sport Events Congress attracts delegates from a variety of sectors:

  • Events Rights Holders (organizations/companies who own the rights to sporting events and are seeking potential host cities to partner with them to host their next event.  Events range from community level sporting competitions such as minor hockey tournaments to international elite sporting events to conferences and meetings and special events).
  • Sport Tourism and Economic Development professionals (people who are working to promote their city/town as a destination for sport events and are interested in hosting events)
  • Suppliers to the Sport Tourism Industry (companies who offer services to the sport tourism industry, such as hotels, airlines, magazines, event marketing firms, etc.)
  • Education sector and researchers (students, professors and researchers who are in the tourism or sports administration fields).

Over 300 delegates attend Sport Events Congress each year.

What is the difference between Sport Events Exchange and Vendor Alley?

Sport Events Exchange is a business-to-business marketplace that provides an opportunity for events rights holders and destinations to meet one-on-one to explore sport events hosting opportunities.  Participants are assigned brief appointments to conduct a short business meeting. The format is similar to ‘speed dating’ whereby both parties have a short period of time (8-10 minutes) to determine if there is potential to work together and then a bell rings prompting people to move on to their next appointment.

Vendor Alley is the trade show element at SEC.  It offers companies the opportunity to set-up kiosks and promote their products and services to SEC delegates during the conference.  Each year, approximately 30 exhibitors take part in the trade show and pay the appropriate fees for their kiosk space that is allocated to them in the trade show area. Conference delegates are encouraged to visit booths, pick-up promotional material and speak with company reps who are exhibiting.  Exhibit space in Vendor Alley normally sells out well in advance of the Congress so any company interested in exhibiting should confirm their intentions to STC at least 5 months prior to the Congress.


Sport Events Congress has typically always been hosted in the spring. Past host cities include Winnipeg, Richmond, Edmonton, Ottawa, Halifax, Gatineau and Toronto. There is a bidding process in place for hosting SEC.

View upcoming dates and location for SEC here.

Do you offer special rates for delegates who only want to attend portions of the Congress or one-day only?

Congress delegate fees are based on the attendee taking part in the full Congress. A limited # of one-day passes are available. You can purchase a day pass for any one of the 3 days.

View our Attend SEC page for information

Do I have to be a member of Sport Tourism Canada to attend SEC?

Congress is open to anyone, however, STC members have discounted rates on registration fees and may have access to certain activities or events that are restricted to members only. View the details on our next SEC or visit the membership section of our website for more info on how to become a member of STC.

How do I find out if my company/organization is a member of Sport Tourism Canada?

View the list of current members on our website or contact STC’s membership services department at [email protected] to check membership status.

I am interested in speaking or presenting at SEC? How do I submit my request or topic idea?

STC is in the process of developing a list of engaging topics for Our next Sport Event Congress that will provide learning and inspiration to assist the sport hosting system to be more successful and resilient in the future. If you would like to recommend a topic or have interest in speaking/presenting at Sport Event Congress, please submit to: [email protected]

What our members are saying...

City of Leduc – Former Mayor Greg Krischke

We have several events – MAJOR events – that have come to our community as a direct result of Sport Events Congress. Networking is one of the secrets to success at this conference. You get to experience sport tourism at its finest – that’s really cool.

Hockey Canada – Dean MacIntosh

We met with four or five communities that we’ve never been in before at Sport Events Congress.  They bid on an event over the next couple of years, and before you know it, we’re in that community hosting a major event.

Sport Tourism London – Heather Bury

I attend STC events as a member to meet with sport rights holders. Being from Saskatchewan, our STC membership allows us with the opportunity to connect with many sport organizations in one location at the same time.

STC Valued Partners