The 2017 World Ringette Championships will be a 5-7 day event held in November of 2017. The event will feature a best of 3 series between Canada and Finland’s Senior National Teams, A best of 3 series between Canada and Finland’s Junior National Teams and a 3-4 team President’s Cup Championship which will include Sweden, USA and the Czech Republic. (Slovakia still TBC).

Bid Guidelines (PDF)

Appendix A (Word)

Bid Submissions

Bidding communities should produce a document that outlines their bid, the support they have in executing the bid (and the Event if successful in the bid) and their community. While each bid will be unique in its theme and flavor (which is important in providing the participating athletes with an unforgettable experience) it is also important for the delegates considering this bid to have sufficient information to accurately review and compare the bids received.

Please submit your bids (Via Email) or direct your questions to:

WRC Bid Submission
Frances Losier
Director of High Performance and Events
613-748-5655 ext. 221

Bid Timeline for 2017 Event

  1. July 15th, 2016 Deadline to submit bids to Ringette Canada
  2. Before August 22nd, 2016 Technical visit conducted by Ringette Canada (If needed)
  3. By September 9th, 2016 Selection completed and official announcement.