In order to clarify certain elements regarding the City Ranking Index information forwarded to CSTA members in December with a deadline of January 31st to complete the relevant forms, please find below the following information:

Most of the  data collected will be used for the assessment of the scoring, however, some will not such as:

  • Tab “2017 Intl event data”: All columns regarding the operating budget
  • Tab “bidding”: All information.

CSTA has partnered with Sportcal who publishes the annual Global Sport Index (GSI). The assessment is evidence based and data driven and differs from a number of self-nomination and/or voting programs currently on the market; similar criteria will be used for the CSTA City Ranking Index as for the GSI. However, a weighting factor will also be applied according to the level of events hosted.

The data collected that will not be factored into the assessment will be useful for the sport tourism industry to understand the events that could be hosted in Canada in the future; for international events already held, and the amount of public funding invested in hosting those events.

It is important to note that in the “Bidding” tab: Only the events for which cities have bid and where the deadline for a letter of intent is past should be included.

A link to the December announcement and access to the ranking form can be found here: