Christmas comes early for CSTA members! Our latest tool and resource is a webpage exclusively devoted to listing events that are open for bid.

Events Rights Holders who have an active RFP for one of their upcoming events have posted their bid documents on CSTA’s website. RFPs are now conveniently compiled in one location!

For DMOs – no more hunting around CSTA’s website looking for the latest opportunities!

For sport organizations – here’s your chance to check out what other events are in the pipeline across the country.

To keep the page current, listings will be removed 6-8 weeks following the deadline date.

While you’re there, check out the many other items that CSTA has developed or compiled to assist members. The Sport Event Directory lists most of the sport events held in Canada regularly. Need help drafting your RFP? Winning the bid? Planning a sport tourism or marketing strategy? Evaluating a bid from an NSO perspective? The CSTA has tools and templates to help for those and we have a pool of consultants if you need a customized solution or approach.

CSTA members can also access a gallery of sport photographs, directories of International Federations and National / Multiple Sport Organizations. And the valuable STEAM tool is listed here to help you predict the economic impact of a sport event on a community in Canada.

Access to these tools is a significant advantage for CSTA members, and they’re at your fingertips through our website.

Enjoy the privileges of your CSTA membership this holiday season!