SportAccord Convention & Team Canada Sales Mission

As part of the MOU between the organizations, the Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance, in partnership with Destination Canada, is pleased to offer two co-operative marketing opportunities to CSTA members in 2019.   The CSTA will once again lead a TEAM Canada delegation to SportAccord Convention 2019 during the month of April, specific dates and location to be confirmed.  In addition, a Team Canada Sales Mission is scheduled for October or November 2019 in Lausanne, Switzerland, the home of over 75 international sport federations.

SportAccord Convention is a 5-day gathering of over 1,500 delegates representing international sport organizations, organizing committees, host destinations and a variety of suppliers of goods and services to the industry. The annual convention is held in a different country each year and includes the Congress and General Assemblies of over 100 international sports federations.  The conference provides an opportunity for Team Canada partners to promote their destinations/agencies as hosts for future international sport events through a variety of networking, hospitality and business-to-business opportunities.  For additional information about the event, please visit the website at

The Team Canada Sales Mission to Lausanne is designed to promote Canada and individual partner destinations as hosts for international sport events through a variety of B2B, educational and hospitality functions.  The Sales Mission is projected to be scheduled in conjunction with another conference/forum in Lausanne already on the calendar to maximize the opportunity for partners.

As many of you are approaching the budget building process for 2019, a conference call of CSTA members interested in learning more about these TEAM Canada co-operative marketing opportunities will be held on Wednesday, August 29th at 1:00 pm Eastern.  If you are interested, please send an email to [email protected] by Friday, August 24th.  Connection details will be forwarded to you in advance of the call.

For further information, please contact Rick Traer, CEO, at (613) 688-5843.