Volleyball Canada is currently looking for an Accommodations Management Provider (AMP) to co-manage it’s “Stay to Play" policy, which will be in effect for the 2018 Volleyball Canada Championships. This means, all participating teams are required to book hotel rooms through the event’s Accommodations Management Provider in order to play in the tournament. Booking for each event will open in conjunction with event registration.

2018 Volleyball Canada Championships – Event Summary

  • Hosted in Edmonton, Alberta in May 2018
  • 800+ teams playing across 65 volleyball courts
  • 25,000 participants
  • Estimated 25,000 room nights required over 7-day period
  • $36 million economic impact (Alberta, 2015)
  •  $27 million economic impact (Calgary, 2015)

Interested parties are invited to submit their bid packages based on the criteria laid out in the following RFP:

2018 Volleyball Canada Championships – Accommodations Management Request for Proposal (PDF)

Contact Information 

All bid documents and questions must be submitted by the deadlines outlined in the RFP to Caitlin Devlin, Events Coordinator by email:  caitlin@volleyball.ca.