Skate Canada is currently searching for a host city for the 2016 Skate Canada International. This event would be organized and executed by Skate Canada in collaboration with the Local Organizing Committee. 

Hosting a Skate Canada event requires a strong partnership between the Skate Canada Section, the venue and the local municipality. Although any group is encouraged to submit a “Proposal to Host”, all three partners must endorse the Proposal.

The Letter of Endorsement may be co-signed or may be three separate endorsements from:

  •  Skate Canada Section Office – See Appendix F for contact information
  •  Venue Owner / Operator (a completed and signed Appendix B)
  •  Host Municipality / Tourism

The following timelines have been established by Skate Canada for the RFP Process:

Event 2016 Skate Canada International
Letter of Intent Due N/A
Proposal to Host Due 30-Aug-2015
Download RFP Request for Proposal to Host 2016 Skate Canada International

All proposals must be submitted by the deadlines stated above to Theresa Godbold, Event Marketing Manager, either electronically to or by mail to:

Skate Canada
865 Shefford Rd
Ottawa, Ont, K1J 1H9
Attn: Theresa Godbold

A current list of opportunities to host is available at