Sport Tourism Canada (STC) is launching a PRESTIGE Awards Adjudication Committee composed of a cross-section of members and industry experts.  Appointed annually, this committee is responsible for reviewing award nominations and selecting recipients. The presentation of the awards will take place during Sport Events Congress in Richmond, BC on Friday, June 8, 2023 at the Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel.

Applications for the PRESTIGE Awards Adjudication Committee are being accepted from January 26 until February 9, 2023.

Apply Now

About the PRESTIGE Awards

STC’s PRESTIGE Awards celebrate the people, places and events that make up the Canadian sport tourism industry. These awards are the highest honour available nationally recognizing the individuals, companies and organizations that have made outstanding contributions to the success of the sport tourism industry.

Each year the committee will invite nominations for the following awards:

  • STC Canadian Sport Event of the Year
    • Group A: event budget greater than $1,000,000
    • Group B: event budget less than $1,000,000
  • STC International Sport Event of the Year
    • Group A: event budget greater than $2,000,000
    • Group B: event budget less than $2,000,000
  • STC Canadian Sport Event Sponsorship Initiative of the Year
  • STC Sport Event Volunteer of the Year
  • STC Sport Event Legacy of the Year
  • STC Sport Event Rising Star of the Year

Watch for the PRESTIGE Awards nomination period to be announced mid-February.


Sport Tourism Canada is an organization founded through a partnership with Destination Canada (formerly the Canadian Tourism commission) with the goal to increase Canada’s capacity to attract and host sport tourism events. For information on STC, visit or follow us on Twitter @SportTourismCA, @Events_STC, YouTube @sporttourismcanadatourisme6575 and LinkedIn @sporttourismcanada

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