National Sport Organizations recognized by Sport Canada are invited to participate in the 2018 Global Sport Impact (GSI) Canada Index. To increase Canada’s attractiveness as a host destination, CSTA launched the GSI Canada Index in 2017. Developed in collaboration with Sportcal, a leading sport market intelligence agency based in London, UK, the results of the initial GSI Canada Index were announced in March of 2018.  

This tool’s aim is to rank all national sports championships and international sports events hosted in Canada through a data-driven assessment of performance. The next index to be published in March 2019 will be the second edition. For this second edition, CSTA is asking – for the first time – the collaboration of NSOs in order to capture as much event data as possible.

How it Works

NSOs complete a worksheet/online form (Excel format with 2 tabs) which will be analyzed independently by the team at Sportcal. Based on the input provided, each event receives a score and ranking, with the top five  announced annually at CSTA’s Sport Events Congress.

Assessment Criteria

For the second edition, data is collected from the NSOs in these categories:

  • Event Data for National Championships hosted in 2018
  • Event Data for International Competitions (property of NSOs*) hosted in 2018
  • Forecast Data for confirmed National Championships to be hosted in 2019 and beyond
  • Forecast Data for confirmed International Events (property of NSOs*) to be hosted in 2019 and beyond

International competition data which is not the property of the NSO does not have to be included. This information will be collected via the CSTA active member (municipality) form.


CSTA will collect hosting data on an annual basis from all NSOs that wish to participate. To be included as part of the 2018 GSI Canada Index, please complete and submit the NSO data input form by December 21st, 2018. 

A copy of the input sheet can be found here

For more information a copy of the parameters can be found here.

The 2018 Report is posted on the CSTA website along with the

For further information, please contact Steven Trainor by email at [email protected].


Note*: Annual international events held in Canada owned by the NSOs and sanctioned by International Federations (e.g.: an annual international competition that is part of a World Cup or Grand Prix series). World Championships cannot be included as those events are owned by the International Federations and are not recurrent events in Canada.