CSTA City Ranking Index


The Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance (CSTA) is committed to providing member organizations with access to development tools that align with the mission of the organization, "To increase Canadian capacity to attract and host sport tourism events."

The CSTA, in partnership with Sportcal (who publish the annual Global Sport Index), has developed a Canadian City Ranking Index. This data driven assessment of performance is based on national and international championships hosted and planned as well as those national and international events currently in the bid cycle.

How it Works

Members of CSTA complete a worksheet/online form which will be analyzed independently by Sportcal. All information will be kept confidential and results will be analyzed according to CSTA membership categories segmented by the population of host communities.

Based on the input provided, each host city will receive a score and ranking within their respective membership category on an annual basis.  The rankings will be announced annually at Sport Events Congress.

Assessment Criteria

Data will be collected in the following categories:

  • Event Data for National Championships hosted in 2017
  • Event Data for International Championships hosted in 2017
  • Forecast Data for confirmed National Championships to be hosted in 2018 and beyond
  • Forecast Data for confirmed International Championships to be hosted in 2018 and beyond
  • Events currently in the bid process (National and International)


CSTA will collect hosting data on an annual basis from all CSTA members that wish to participate. To be included as part of the CSTA City Ranking Index, member cities must complete and submit the data input form by January 31, 2018.  A copy of the input sheet containing five tabs can be found here.

For further information, please contact Rick Traer at 613-688-5843 or by email at rtraer@canadiansporttourism.com