Sport Tourism Canada (STC) has released the second report in its series, Bouncing Back – Preparing for a Sport Hosting and Economic Reboot. Focusing on responses from international rights holders to an online survey and interviews conducted in March and April of 2021, this second report includes recommendations on how Canada, the provinces, territories and host cities can develop the confidence and build a roadmap to host international sport events successfully and kickstart the economic reboot locally.


International Survey Results

The report incorporates input from continental and international sport federations and private event rights holders around the world. It features data collected on such topics as:

  • Perception of Canada as a host destination for international events;
  • Factors to be considered in deciding a host destination;
  • Fiscal realities of the pandemic on international sporting events.

The report also includes case studies of successful bubble environments used for international and domestic sport events here in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the bubble approach is not viewed as being a sustainable long-term approach to event hosting for most organizations and therefore other solutions are required.

In the responses, 80% cited excellent venues and strong national federation support, alongside a strong volunteer base (70%) as key components in Canada’s hosting reputation. There were indications that strict health regulations and government restrictions are a barrier to hosting in Canada, especially with the varying restrictions and regulations across provinces and territories.

The findings indicate that for Canada to be a viable host of international sport events, clarity on travel, health, and other restrictions that would impact events are required. Canada’s competitiveness in international hosting can also be strengthened through alignment from the host city up through the national or multi-sport organizations to regain our standing globally.


A propos de Bouncing Back – Preparing for a Sport Hosting and Economic Reboot – a three-part series

  1. Sport hosting for domestic events / audiences
  2. Sport hosting for international events / audiences
  3. Consumer sentiment regarding sport event hosting during-and post-pandemic.

Les three major objectives for this study were to:

  • Provide meaningful, actionable insights into the current state of sport hosting / sport tourism in Canada specific to international sporting events.
  • Enable the return of international sport event hosting and to restart local economies through sport tourism.
  • Provide information and insights that will restore the confidence of participants, spectators and communities in sport event hosting (including attending and travelling to sport events), by drawing on leading practices and industry case studies from around the world.


Download the full survey report: Bouncing Back – Preparing for a Sport Hosting and Economic Reboot – Part 2: International

Download the executive summary: Bouncing Back – Preparing for a Sport Hosting and Economic Reboot – Part 2: International (Executive Summary)