OTTAWA, ON – After highlighting responses from both domestic and international sport event rights holders, the third part of Sport Tourism Canada’s (STC) series, Bouncing Back – Preparing for a Sport Hosting and Economic Reboot puts the spotlight on Canadian fans and sport participants.

Focusing on responses to STC’s online survey and interviews conducted in March and April of 2021, this third report addresses questions from the consumer’s point of view, such as:

  • What is consumer sentiment for sport event attendance and participation?
  • What will a return to sport participation and spectating look like?
  • What factors improve the likelihood for a speedier recovery?


Consumer Survey Results

Drawing from more than 1,000 responses from across Canada, the survey results paint a portrait of a population whose mental health has been hampered by the effects of the pandemic, have rarely – if ever – attended a sporting event live during the pandemic, and are leery of travelling to do so.

The emergence of vaccines has an interesting effect on the willingness of consumers to attend events like sports or concerts. Just over 47% of respondents called vaccines the one thing absolutely necessary to return to live events and 35% identified vaccines as a turning point for them to return to live events.

When the survey was administered in March and April, respondents had already warmed to the idea of leisure travel, particularly close to home. Almost four in five respondents indicated that they would take a vacation in their home province or territory, and almost two-thirds said they would travel for sport. When the question moved on to travelling to another province, or another country, those rates dropped significantly.


The Way Forward

Based on the survey results, the report authors expand upon six keys to preparing for a sport hosting and economic reboot that will engage and encourage consumers to attend live events.

  1. Listen to Public Health
  2. Listen to your audience
  3. Manage costs
  4. Friends and family time
  5. Think regional
  6. Early adopters to share experiences

By following these six elements, event organizers can plan for a positive future of sport participation and sport events.


A propos de Bouncing Back – Preparing for a Sport Hosting and Economic Reboot – a three-part series

  1. Sport hosting for domestic events / audiences
  2. Sport hosting for international events / audiences
  3. Consumer sentiment regarding sport event hosting during-and post-pandemic.

Les three major objectives for this study were to:

  • Provide meaningful, actionable insights into the current state of sport hosting / sport tourism in Canada specific to international sporting events.
  • Enable the return of international sport event hosting and to restart local economies through sport tourism.
  • Provide information and insights that will restore the confidence of participants, spectators and communities in sport event hosting (including attending and travelling to sport events), by drawing on leading practices and industry case studies from around the world.

Download the full survey report: Bouncing Back – Preparing for a Sport Hosting and Economic Reboot – Part 3: Consumer

Download the executive summary: Bouncing Back – Preparing for a Sport Hosting and Economic Reboot – Part 3: International (Consumer)