Introduced at Sport Events Congress 2019 in Ottawa, CSTA’s latest industry  tool is the Modèle d'apparat. It will assist sport event organizers, municipal governments and other community interests to  broaden the economic impact of sporting events in their communities with a guide to help create their own pageantry program.

The Pageantry Template uses a case study approach to illustrate a best practice. This tool is intentionally  flexible, and the number of deliverables can be scaled down to suit the event structure and size.

The Pageantry Template incorporates three documents:

  • Event Pageantry Graphic Standard Manual (Event PGSM); 
  • Sport Tourism Pageantry Graphic Standard Manual (Sport Tourism PGSM) and;
  • Pageantry Template Resource Manual.

The two Pageantry Graphic Standard Manuals provide a mock standardized kit with multiple parts for event and sport pageantry. Both provide the basis for an event to develop a cohesive look through specialized design, production and installation managed by The Look Company.

Les Event PGSM is geared towards major international events to be held in a city. As a working example, CSTA and the Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) selected the ITU World Triathlon Grand Final, to be held in Edmonton in 2020. The objective was to develop, in collaboration with the Local Organizing Committee (LOC), their Event Pageantry Graphic Standard Manual.

Les Sport Tourism PGSM is designed to assist destinations to establish a consistent look for all events hosted at the local, regional, national and international levels. As a working example, CSTA also selected the City of Edmonton brand. The objective was to develop, in collaboration with the destination, its Sport Tourism Pageantry Graphic Standard Manual.

Les Pageantry Template Resource Manual provides a framework to guide and mobilize stakeholder involvement in raising awareness, excitement and participation levels in a community’s sporting events and increase the success of the community’s sporting events sector, creating a positive impact on the local tourism economy.

The three  Pageantry Template documents are now available on the CSTA Members’ Only section of the website. Log onto the site, and follow this link.

Working in conjunction with The Look Company, CSTA offers consultation and initial development of a brand identity using the PSGMs at very competitive rates. The rate card is available ici.

CSTA would like to thank the members of the Pageantry Working Group for sharing their insights and best practices: Project Director: Eric Savard, Director, Transfer of Knowledge, Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance; Canadian Olympic Committee (COC); ITU World Triathlon Edmonton Organizing Committee; International Triathlon Union; and the City of Edmonton.

CSTA would also like to acknowledge the contribution toward this Pageantry Project Funding from: Canadian Olympic Committee’s NSF Enhancement Initiative; and the City of Edmonton.

The Pageantry Template Resource Manual is the product of consultations with representatives of sport-based events, municipalities, key sports business, government and community stakeholders as well as participating officials from a number of international sport events.  The primary author was Bernie Colterman, who is the Managing Partner at the Centre of Excellence for Public Sector Marketing in Ottawa.

To find out more, contact Grant MacDonald, Head of Consulting, CSTA: [email protected]