PRESTIGE AWARDS adjudication committee

Committee Term: One (1) year.
Committee member applications will be opened annually in January.

Founded in 2007, Sport Tourism Canada’s PRESTIGE Awards celebrate the people, places and events that make the Canadian sport tourism industry so dynamic. They are presented annually at Sport Events Congress in six categories to honour individuals, companies and organizations that have made outstanding contributions to the success of the sport tourism industry. Recipients are selected by the PRESTIGE Awards Adjudication Committee.

The PRESTIGE Awards Adjudication Committee is composed of a cross-section of STC members and industry experts. It is the committee’s responsibility to review award nominations, select preferred nominees for each award category, and to make recipient recommendations to the Board of Directors for approval.


Adjudication: Each nomination will receive a score or a grade before being compared against other nominees in the same category thereby ranking them


The PRESTIGE Awards Adjudication Committee is responsible for reviewing award nominations, selecting preferred nominees for each award category, and making recipient recommendations to the Board of Directors for approval.

Membership and Appointment

  • Committee applicants must be members in good standing with Sport Tourism Canada (STC)
  • The committee is comprised of five (5) members representing the diversity of the association
    • Geographical location
    • Destination population sizes
    • Language
    • Membership Types
    • Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity – Gender balance
  • The CEO/COO or assigned staff person will serve as the administrative liaison to the committee and will serve in a non-voting capacity
  • A new committee is selected each year
  • Any member may be re-appointed to the committee at the expiration of the term


  • Committee members review nominations, score, and select award recipients using a predefined evaluation matrix individually on their own time
  • The committee will meet to review nominee rankings and to select the preferred recipients to submit for approval by the Board of Directors
  • Meetings will be held virtually, the frequency schedule will be determined by the committee
  • The CEO/COO or assigned staff person will prepare agendas, record minutes and Chair meetings
  • A majority of the total committee members shall constitute a quorum
  • Voting may be submitted electronically.


  • Committee members may not judge a category in which they are also a nominee
  • Maintain strict confidentiality. Any violation will result in that committee member being prohibited from future participation in the PRESTIGE Awards adjudication committee
  • Neither the committee, nor any committee member shall have the power to authorize any expenditures to be charged against Sport Tourism Canada.

Duties and Responsibilities

Chaque année, le comité sollicite des nominations pour les prix suivants :

Événement sportif canadien de l'année STC

  • Group A: event budget greater than $1 million
  • Group B: event budget less than $1 million

Événement sportif international STC de l'année

  • Group A: event budget greater than $2 – $10 million
  • Group B: event budget less than $2 million

L'héritage de l'année pour les manifestations sportives du CTS

STC Sport Sport Tourism Rising Star of the Year

Bénévole de l'année pour une manifestation sportive du CTS

Manifestation sportive de l'année du CTS

Partenariat de l'année pour un événement sportif STC

STC Sport Tourism Industry Champion (Champion de l'industrie du tourisme sportif)

The Committee must select the preferred nominee in each category based on the award criteria. The Committee is responsible for reviewing the award program, criteria and for making recommendations to the Board of Directors to improve the program through the CEO/COO or assigned staff person

The CEO/COO or assigned staff person will be responsible for:

  • Administering the committee recruitment application process
  • Bringing committee appointment recommendations to the Board of Directors for approval
  • Facilitate meetings and provide administrative support to the committee
  • Providing an orientation package to committee members including the distribution and overview of the Terms of Reference, an evaluation matrix, an overview of the award categories and any other associated documents.
  • Coordinate the nomination process, media releases and will work with the SEC event production company to plan the ceremony
  • Program budget
  • The CEO/COO will provide updates to the Board of Directors regarding committee selection, committee progress, recommendations, and will present the finalists and selected award recipients for approval by the Board


  • The committee is advisory to and accountable to the Board of Directors.
  • The committee will recommend award recipients for approval by the Board of Directors.

have a question? Or want to inquire about participating in Prestige Adjudication


15 + 4 =

Ce que disent nos membres...

Ville de Leduc - Ancien maire Greg Krischke

Nous avons plusieurs événements - des événements majeurs - qui ont été organisés dans notre communauté à la suite du Congrès sur les événements sportifs. Le réseautage est l'un des secrets de la réussite à cette conférence. Vous avez l'occasion de découvrir le tourisme sportif dans toute sa splendeur - c'est vraiment génial.

Hockey Canada - Dean MacIntosh

Nous avons rencontré quatre ou cinq communautés dans lesquelles nous n'étions jamais allés auparavant lors du Congrès sur les événements sportifs. Elles ont fait une offre pour un événement au cours des deux prochaines années, et avant que vous ne vous en rendiez compte, nous sommes dans cette communauté en train d'organiser un événement majeur.

Sport Tourism London - Heather Bury

J'assiste aux événements de STC en tant que membre pour rencontrer les détenteurs de droits sportifs. Étant originaire de la Saskatchewan, notre adhésion à STC nous donne l'occasion d'entrer en contact avec de nombreux organismes sportifs en un même lieu et au même moment.
