They say ‘membership has its benefits’ and we couldn’t agree more! That’s why some of the fantastic content from Sport Events Congress 2021 is now available to our members.

We received many requests following the conclusion of SEC21 about whether the content could be accessible later in the year. We agree that the educational sessions and presentations from SEC21 were just too good to let sit in our archives, so there are now 20 different pieces of content available for viewing in the members only section of Sport Tourism Canada’s website.

If you are a member, you can connexion, search for ‘Presentations’ and the SEC21 content will be available to you.

If you are not currently a member of Sport Tourism Canada, now is the time to consider purchasing a membership or to re-active a membership that has recently lapsed.

We hope you enjoy these sessions and presentations because SEC21 is the gift that keeps on giving all summer long.