April 22, 2016, (Lausanne, Switzerland): Over 50 representatives of cities, regions and countries attending this year’s SportAccord Convention, have reached an overwhelming consensus to move forward with the formation of an international association of event hosts.

The representatives met at the City to City session facilitated by members of a working group who have been investigating the feasibility of forming an organization for “not-for-profit” investors to share knowledge of hosting international events.

During the session, representatives learned from the successes and challenges of a number of recent events hosted at destinations across the world.

Representatives also provided feedback on different models of how destinations could share knowledge and generate greater benefits from hosting events.  The working group will now take this feedback and develop a plan to formalize cooperation between destinations.

Members of the working group to date include:

  • Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development
  • Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance
  • EventScotland
  • Fáilte Ireland, National Tourism Development Authority
  • London & Partners
  • Los Angeles Sports Council
  • New Zealand Major Events
  • Sport Event Denmark
  • USA National Association of Sports Commissions

Rick Traer, CEO, Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance said “We’ve seen the advantages of working together and sharing best practices at a national level. Taking those experiences to the international level and learning from our colleagues around the world will be a very productive partnership. Our cities will reap the benefit of knowledge from other countries, and sport tourism will continue to be a vital and vibrant part of our economy.”

Iain Edmondson, Head of Major Events at London & Partners said “The very productive session at SportAccord Convention has again demonstrated the benefits of sharing experiences of hosting events.  By working together I believe all investors in major events will generate greater long term value, whether they are public bodies, rights-owners or commercial sponsors.”

“Sharing knowledge of hosting events is very important and cooperating with other hosts in a trusted environment will benefit all of us,” said Lars Lundov, CEO of Sport Event Denmark.

Paul Bush OBE, VisitScotland’s Director of Events said “Events and tourism have a hugely beneficial symbiotic relationship and this initiative can only do good for the industry.

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About the Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance (CSTA)

The Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance is a non-governmental, member-based, capacity building organization that promotes sport tourism as a grassroots economic development initiative at the community level. The CSTA services over 500 members across Canada, including 150 municipalities, 300 national and provincial sport, multi-sport and major games organizations and a variety of other sport and tourism industry partners. Sport tourism is the fastest growing segment of the tourism industry in Canada with approximately $5.2 billion in annual spending by domestic and international visitors.